Your impact with

How do we finance ourselves?

THE STORY OF A NEW WORLD is based on crowdfunding. No compromises: No sneaky product placements in the film, no external influence on the content. Our financing comes from the grassroots and relies on four main sources: pre-sale of cinema tickets, donations, business partnerships with businesses that share our values and impact investments. It’s all about giving everyone a chance to be part of this journey. As a big thank you, we give props to all our supporters in the film credits and offer many more attractive perks along the way!

Join the ranks of the visionaries driving THE STORY OF A NEW WORLD: Choose the support tier that resonates with you, and let´s amplify emotional and constructive storytelling together – for a better tomorrow!

Ready to change the world?

Film Project

Bringing visionary ideas to the cinema
Confirmed funding: 2,320,000 EUR
Still open: 1,500,000 EUR

Impact Campaign

We are planning more than 2500 events in 50 countries

„Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. Because that’s all who ever have.“

Margaret Maed

Collaborate with your company, organisation, foundation, or NGO on this groundbreaking sustainability project. It’s the first time a solution-oriented film and its extensive impact campaign have been implemented on such a comprehensive scale. Your participation will enable millions of viewers to engage in sustainable action, both locally and globally.

Collaborating with us offers numerous advantages: Use this film as a powerful tool to promote your organisation’s mission and benefit from broad visibility at film festivals, screenings, as well as via streaming services and TV channels around the world. Reach new audiences on all continents and establish your organisation as a pioneer for a sustainable future while actively contributing to reducing GHG emissions. Become part of a global social impact project that will not only be scientifically evaluated, but also strengthen democracy and diversity.

Change Enabler

20k EUR

  • Branding for your organisation with global reach
    • Logo in the film credits & on the photo booth
    • Short bio on our project website
  • Social media
    • Use of SOANW logos, photos, trailers, and social media clips for marketing purposes
    • Post about your participation & your ambassador video on our channels
  • Market booth & product placement
    • Present your organisation/products at an Impact Event
  • Publicity
    • Mentions in press releases and appearances
  • Other benefits
    • Certificate & personal thank you from the film crew
    • Regular impact reporting

Change Maker

50k EUR

  • All benefits of the Basic Impact Package plus:
    • Branding
      • Branding on global campaign materials (leaflet, event-guides, etc.)  
      • Highlighted partner representation: bigger logo and appearance before all Basic impact partners 
    • Social media
      • We provide you with high-quality clips of the premieres that you can share on your social media channels
    • Market booth & product placement
      • Present your organisation/products at 5 Impact Events in total
    • Impact Hub
      • Representation of your organisation (with logo, short bio, and link) on our digital platform, which is freely accessible worldwide to all viewers, serving as a source of inspiration and exchange during and after the events
    • Panel participation
      • as a speaker at a country premiere – country to be determined; personal visibility and presentation of your commitment to sustainability through direct conversation with a large audience
  • Your personal screening experience 
  • 500 screening links for your customers/employees
  • Other benefits
    • Exclusive invitation to the (pre-) premiere for 4 people

Change Catalyst

100k EUR

  • All benefits of the Standard Impact Package plus:
    • Branding
      • Your logo on film posters in all screening cities worldwide (around 2500 planned) → high visibility beyond the film 
    • Market booth & product placement
      • Present your organisation/products at 15 Impact Events in total
    • Short clip 
      • Highlighting your involvement in the Impact Campaign, including both your own footage as well as footage filmed by us at a national premiere, showcasing your commitment. Use this professionally crafted clip to effectively communicate your dedication to your clients and partners!
  • Your personal screening experience (choose 2 options in total)
      • Online watch party including a Q&A with the director 
      • Exclusive screening at your organisation with participation of the director
  • 500 screening links for your customers/employees


Or choose individual options:

  • Exclusive newsletter story about your organisation → €5,000
  • Workshop/talk with SOANW director at your organisation → €5,000
  • Social media: Use of SOANW logos, photos, trailer, and social media clips for marketing purposes, post about your cooperation involvement & your ambassador video on our channels → €5,000
  • Speaker slot at an impact event → €5,000
  • Your booth (including product placement) at a national premiere → €10,000
  • One of the above-mentioned screening options → €10,000
  • Branding on printed materials (film posters, campaign materials) for country premieres as well as on digital campaign materials (film credits, website) → €15,000
  • Representation of your organisation in the digital Impact Hub → €15,000
  • Short clip about your work and your participation in the Impact Campaign (your own footage + filming at national premiere showcasing your engagement) → €20,000
  • Public relations: Mentions in press releases and appearances → €20,000
  • Exclusive sponsor for a specific area (e.g., catering, multimedia walls, photo booths, social media activities, etc.) → Price on request

Other contributions

We also welcome smaller sponsorship contributions. For more information on your tailored sponsorship package, please contact us at

Donation with tax receipt

Support the spread of a constructive story about sustainable solutions and inspire people worldwide to engage in meaningful projects in their communities! Receive your donation receipt with a click through our partner organisation Media4Change gGmbH.

Exclusive partnership

For special pioneers, we are offering an exclusive spot in the film credits for your short personal video message for the viewers (details to be discussed). We are happy to discuss further benefits with you individually.

Education for all through solidarity tickets

We believe that everyone, regardless of background, income, or location, should have the opportunity to be part of THE STORY OF A NEW WORLD. Therefore, each cinema ticket purchased in advance through our website in Germany includes four free solidarity tickets for people in the Global South.

Your movie ticket + 4 solidarity tickets


With each purchased ticket, you automatically provide four people in the Global South with a free ticket. Plus, your name will appear in the film credits!

Streaming link for your donation

From 10€

As a gesture of our appreciation for your donation, we will send you a streaming link to our successful cinema documentary, THE 4TH REVOLUTION

Donations with donation receipt

From 10€

Support the distribution of a constructive story about sustainable solutions and inspire people worldwide to engage in meaningful projects in their own communities! Receive your donation receipt with just one click through our partner organisation Media4Change gGmbH.

Your support on social media


Stay connected on social media and amplify the content you love the most! Your likes, comments, and shares help THE STORY OF A NEW WORLD reach a wider audience. Let’s make a difference together!

Education for all through solidarity tickets

We believe that everyone, regardless of background, income, or location, should have the opportunity to be part of THE STORY OF A NEW WORLD. With each ticket purchase, you provide four solidarity tickets for people in the Global South, who can watch the film for free and participate in local events. Bring constructive education for sustainable development to 50 countries around the world!
For information on investment opportunities, please get in touch with CEO and Producer Carl-A. Fechner.
Join us in laying the groundwork for positive change. Your contribution helps us to spread the message of sustainable solutions and to inspire individuals worldwide to embark on impactful projects within their communities. You can support this educational media project with your foundation through our partner organisation Media4Change gGmbH.

Become a part of THE STORY OF A NEW WORLD

These individuals and companies have already joined:

Originally, the film project was meant to be called FRIDAYS – THE STORY OF A NEW WORLD, and portray the Fridays for Future movement. However, it soon became clear that our vision for this film extends far beyond Fridays for Future. This is how the project evolved into the docu-fictional impact film THE STORY OF A NEW WORLD!
„With energy, much is possible – that’s something to be aware of…
Regarding the current transformation requirements, each individual’s next step is not insignificant, and it requires not only individual action but also a large-scale societal effort. And precisely for the surefootedness in this regard, this impetus for action, for the understanding of it, for grasping the necessity, for the elegance in action – in short, for the creative unleashing of the necessary processes for this new existence – this film is being created. – Naturally, count me in.“
Ulrich Gumpert
Change Investor
„We gladly and wholeheartedly support Johanna, Carl, and the entire film team in this great initiative! Because we not only love this planet, but we need it. And because we want to enable ourselves and our children to have a tomorrow and a future. As a lifelong companion for people who want to supply themselves with clean energy, we at Solarwatt have been contributing to limiting climate change for around 30 years. It is all the more a matter of the heart for us to be one of the pioneers for the STORY OF A NEW WORLD.“
Change Maker
„The future belongs to future generations. With the FridaysforFuture movement there is for the first time a global youth movement, which is committed to a common cause. They demand more climate protection from all of us for the preservation of our planet. They have shaken us all up. The awareness for the necessary protection of the environment is growing in the population and also among celebrities, politicians and decision makers. The film FRIDAYS carries the worldwide FridaysforFuture movement further and reaches further target groups on an international level. We hope that deeds will now follow and that the powerful people of the world will finally take action. But also every single person can and must contribute to the protection of the global climate, every day. Because no one is too small to make a difference, as Greta Thunberg, an icon of the FridaysforFuture movement, aptly puts it. Only together can we succeed in saving the future of our successor generations. We are happy that we can support this project thanks to our participants and wish the film every success!“
Postcode Lotterie DT gGmbH
Change Maker
„Albert Einstein hat es schon auf den Punkt gebracht, was ich zu formulieren angefangen hatte: „Die Welt, so wie wir sie geschaffen haben, ist das Ergebnis unseres Denkens. Sie kann deshalb nicht geändert werden, ohne unser Denken zu ändern.“
Change enabler
„A better world is possible. If new ideas emerge from old knowledge. Worldwide. If a new consciousness, dedication and love guide us. Wealthy regions bear a special responsibility. That is why Triodos Bank finances and supports the social and ecological transition since ist foundation in 1980. And that is why we are happy to support of this magnificent project!“
Triodos Bank
Supporter +
„From our own entrepreneurial activities, we know that climate-friendly management is feasible. But a more far-reaching political framework is necessary in order to change the course of the economy as a whole. That’s why we support Fridays for Future.“
VAUDE Sport GmbH & Co. KG
Supporter +
„At ecoligo, we are passionate about saving our planet and collaborating with others to reach this goal. We see huge potential in FRIDAYS to raise awareness and encourage action and are very proud to support the film.“
ecoligo GmbH
Supporter +
„Without a rapid expansion of renewable energies in Germany, the climate targets can no longer be achieved. Just like the corona crisis, the climate crisis is a global problem, which must be solved at the local level. We are all challenged here, as the film FRIDAYS impressively documents.“
Deuter Sport GmbH
Supporter +
„The collaboration between Baufritz and THE STORY OF A NEW WORLD offers us a valuable opportunity to share our vision of sustainable building globally. At Baufritz, we are passionately committed to making a positive impact through innovative, eco-friendly construction methods. Our goal is to create sustainable buildings that reduce CO2 emissions and conserve resources. We aim to set an example and inspire millions to work towards a better future.“
Bau-Fritz GmbH & Co. KG


„Tuttlingen has been a member of the Climate Alliance of Cities since 1993. So it is wonderfully fitting that this film is now being produced in our city. We are therefore happy to support THE STORY OF A NEW WORLD – and hope that the message will spread far and wide.“
Municipality of Tuttlingen


„At the Round Table on Renewable Energy (, we are committed to ensuring the implementation of the goal of 100% renewable energy by 2030. Therefore, we support the film project THE STORY OF A NEW WORLD. The world needs this film because it showcases people with effective measures.“
Round Table on Renewable Energy


Frank Otto
Change Investor
„We wholeheartedly support the film project ‚The Story of a New World.‘ As pioneers of aromatherapy, we stand for scent, light, and joy of life. While the current world situation with war, climate, and energy crises is concerning, there are numerous opportunities for change for the better – for us and for future generations. Boldly reconnecting, making commitments can be as liberating as it is inspiring – to experience that ‚it’s possible.‘ This attitude aligns with our consistently sustainable corporate philosophy: learning from nature and staying true to our own values. We aim to contribute to encouraging as many people as possible to actively participate in shaping our planet, our nature. The film addresses this and motivates us to connect with nature and positively change the world with new inspirations.“
Change Maker
„We support this film project to contribute to keeping Earth a livable planet. To achieve this, we need to rethink many things, openly and without blinders. This is exactly what this film will contribute to. Years ago, this led to the founding of E.V.A. GmbH: We reimagined cheese and developed Simply V plant-based cheese alternatives that can be used just like cheese. This allows everyone to make their diet more sustainable and reduce their ecological footprint. Because the way we eat has significant impacts on resource consumption, not only in Germany but worldwide.“
E.V.A. GmbH / Simply V
Change Enabler
„The Story of a New World presents solutions and perspectives for the challenges of our time in a new way. The Bertelsmann Stiftung initiates debates and provides impulses for sustainable societal change. We are aware that we can only master the task of transformation together. Therefore, we are pleased to contribute the results of our work to the impact campaign of SOANW and collectively showcase new paths for a sustainable future.“
Bertelsmann Stiftung
Change Enabler
“It is extremely important, vital for people’s survival, that a new movement grows up – supported by the young people of this earth! As we older people didn’t make that possible, we now have to make room for the younger generation. We have to support this with all our strength and that is my intention to sponsor the film.”
Teut Windprojekte GmbH
Change enabler
„Keine Weltmacht, keine Wissenschaft und auch keine der vielen Klimakonferenzen haben geschafft, was Fridays for Future gelungen ist: den Klimaschutz so in den Köpfen zu verankern, dass zukünftig alles Handeln daran gemessen wird. Wir schätzen die kompromisslose Klarheit, mit der sie ihr Anliegen vorbringen, und wir haben allergrößten Respekt vor den Jugendlichen, die ihre Zukunft in höchster Gefahr sehen und dennoch nicht aufgeben.“

Change enabler

„Mit „Fridays for Future“ hat es eine junge, mitreißende Bewegung innerhalb kürzester Zeit geschafft, den Klimaschutz in den Mittelpunkt der globalen politischen Agenda zu bringen. Laut und selbstbewusst fordern diese Kinder und Jugendlichen zu Recht ein, was die erwachsenen Entscheidungsträger*innen seit Jahrzehnten verschlafen haben: dafür zu sorgen, dass auch kommende Generationen auf einem intakten Planeten leben können. Die Professionalität und die Kraft, mit der sie ihren Protest weltweit auf die Straße tragen, ist dabei absolut bewundernswert. Es gibt für Alle viel zu gewinnen, darum unterstützen wir diese Bewegung so stark.“
Supporter +
“Education is the royal route to a sustainable and fair world. Since the foundation in 2009 the German Climate Foundation (Deutsche KlimaStiftung) conveys climate facts, raises awareness of climate change and, above all, encourages young people to empower their interests for a better future.”
Deutsche KlimaStiftung
Supporter +
„As an EntrepreneurForFuture and as a climate-neutral eco-printing company, we naturally support not only the print media but also the cinematic climate protection initiatives of the FridaysForFuture movements!“
Supporter +
„Role models shape our lives. Today, we probably need role models more urgently than ever. The United Nations‘ 17 Sustainable Development Goals are to be achieved by 2030, and we must all contribute to making our world more sustainable. But what does such a world look like and what are specific actions? Who are the role models that encourage, inspire and support us in the much needed transformation? The JARO Institute is a proud supporter of the project „The Story of a new world“. The emotions of such a film can not only give a lot of confidence, but also release the power to encourage others to commit to sustainable development and become role models themselves.“
JARO Institute for sustainability and digitalization e.V.
Supporter +
„Für uns als Stiftung „für Umwelt und Gerechtigkeit“ ist es nur konsequent, uns in ein Projekt wie den Film „The Story of a New World“ einzuklinken.“
Biohaus Foundation for Environment and Justice
Supporter +


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