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Our ambassadors

Famous support from society

THE STORY OF A NEW WORLD already gathers changemakers from all over the world! Meet our ambassadors and discover their motivations for supporting the impact project. Watch their video messages to discover how they are making a difference in the world today and let their stories inspire you to take sustainable actions!

Luisa Neubauer

Climate Activist

Luisa Neubauer is a climate justice activist, author and speaker. As an initiator, she was one of the key figures in mobilising the „Fridays for Future“ movement in Germany.

Hope Muzanga

Terre des Hommes Zambia

Hope Muzanga is a project manager at Environment Africa Zambia, a „Terre des Hommes“ activist and coordinator of the Kabwe Youth Network. She empowers youth to do climate education work through roadshows, radio talks, tree planting, cleanups, photo projects, campaigns, and engagement meetings with public officials.

Rainer Doemen

Certified tax specialist

Rainer Doemen is a Financial Economist, specialized author in (tax) law and photovoltaics. He advocates for the „100% Renewable Energy by 2030“ initiative at the Round Table Renewable Energies (

Ireen Ng’andu

Terre des Hommes zambia

Ireen Ng’andu is a terre des hommes activist in Livingstone, Zambia and works for the organisation „Environment Africa“ to protect the environment.

Dr. Michael Bilharz


Dr. Michael Bilharz is the initiator of DIE KLIMAWETTE and is responsible for the CO2 calculator and the consumer portal at the Federal Environment Agency.

Frank Otto

Media entrepreneur

Media entrepreneur Frank Otto is involved in many sustainability projects, from the Hamburg Climate Week to the German Ocean Foundation.

Katrin Puetz

Social Entrepreneur

Katrin Puetz founded the social business (B)energy, which provides people in rural regions of Africa, Asia and Latin America with access to clean, innovative and ecological energy.

Sanjeep Neupane

Terre des Hommes Nepal

Sanjeep Neupane from Nepal is involved with terre des hommes Nepal as well as with the Nepal Youth Network for environmental protection.

Volker Gassner


Volker Gassner is head of the Agenda & Rapid Response team at Greenpeace in Hamburg.

Mueda Nawanat

Terre des Hommes Thailand

Mueda Nawanat is a terre des hommes activist in Thailand and founder of the Mekong Youth Assembly.

Chalalai Nasuansuwan

Terre des Hommes Thailand

Chalalai Nasuansuwan is a terre des hommes activist from Thailand.

Bianca Hallmann

Klimamitbe­stimmung JETZT!

Bianca used to work in the field of press and public relations for the initiative „Klimamitbestimmung JETZT!“ (climate participation NOW!) for the establishment of citizens‘ councils on climate policy in Germany.

Anna Bewersdorff

Klimamitbe­stimmung JETZT!

Anna is a former member of the initiative „Klimamitbestimmung JETZT!“, which advocates for the creation of a climate citizens‘ council based on the example of other countries through campaigns and projects.

Dr. Julia Verlinden

Environmental scientist & politician

Dr. Julia Verlinden is an environmental scientist, member of the German parliament, spokesperson for energy policy for the parliamentary group Bündnis 90/Die Grünen and Vice Chair of the Parliamentary Advisory Board of the German Renewable Energy Federation.

Hans-Josef Fell


Hans-Josef Fell is a politician, teacher, former member of the German Parliament for Bündnis90/Die Grünen and founder of the „Energy Watch Group“. As the author of the draft law for Renewable Energies, he laid the foundations for the globally recognised technological development of photovoltaics, biogas, wind power and geothermal energy in Germany.

Christoph Bals

Germanwatch e.V.

Christoph Bals is the political director of Germanwatch and member of the board of spokespersons of the Climate Alliance in Germany.

Helge Viehweg


Helge Viehweg is mayor of the municipality Straubenhardt, which is the first Cradle to Cradle model municipality in Baden -Württemberg since 2019.

Minister Wolfram Günther

Saxon State Minister

Before becoming the Saxon State Minister for Energy, Climate Protection, Environment and Agriculture, Wolfram Günther was a member of the Saxon Parliament between 2014 and 2020. From 2018 to 2020, he was the leader of the German green party BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN.

Nora Sophie Griefahn

Cradle to Cradle NGO

Nora Sophie Griefahn is a co-founder and managing director of Cradle to Cradle NGO. As a C2C expert, she drives a paradigm shift in science, politics, education, and society that goes beyond climate neutrality as the objective.

Christian Felber

Economy for the Common Good

Christian is an author of many inspiring books and the initiator of the initiative „Economy for the Common Good“.

Dr. Katharina Reuter

Association for Sustainable Economy

Dr. Katharina Reuter is managing director at the German Sustainable Business Association (BNW e.V.), as well as a member of the jury of the German Sustainability Award.

Dr. Eckart von Hirschhausen

Doctor, author, comedian

Dr. Eckart von Hirschhausen is a physician, cabaret artist, writer, comedian and TV presenter. With „Scientists for Future“ and „Health for Future“, he is fighting to overcome the climate crisis.

Prof. Dr. Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker

Environmental scientist & politician

Prof. Dr. Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker is an environmental politician, scientist, bestselling author, former co-president of the „Club of Rome“ and founding president of the Wuppertal Institute. He is one of the most important pioneers of sustainable economy models in Germany.

Prof. Dr. Claudia Kemfert


Prof. Dr. Claudia Kemfert is a scientist with a high expertise in the field of energy economy, professor, policy advisor and author. She heads the Energy, Transport, Environment department at the German Institute for Economic Research.

Otto Scharmer


Otto Scharmer is a Senior Lecturer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, co-founder of the „Presencing Institute,“ consultant and author. Through his work, he drives essential innovations in learning and leadership.

Prof. Dr. Stefan Bornemann

Researcher in creativity

Prof. Dr. Stefan Bornemann is a creativity researcher at the Institute for future design (if).

Dr. Edgar Göll


Dr. Edgar Göll is a sociologist and futurologist at the Institute for Futures Studies and Technology Assessment (IZT) and has been working on the topic of „sustainable development“ for 30 years.

Prof. Dr. Rolf Kreibich


Prof. Dr. Rolf Kreibich is a futurologist and has been conducting research in the field of sustainable development for 40 years.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Fischedick

Wuppertal Institute

Manfred Fischedick is the scientific director of the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy. Research interviews with leading scientists like him give THE STORY OF A NEW WORLD its scientific foundations.

Prof. Dr. Christine Wamsler

Professor for Sustainability Science

Prof. Dr. Christine Wamsler is Professor of Sustainability Science at Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS) and Director of the Contemplative Sustainable Futures Program.

Dr. Dina Barbian

Institute for Sustainability

Dr. Dina Barbian, Director of the Institute for Sustainability (Nuremberg), is an industrial engineer and holds a PhD in sustainability economics. She is a climate activist and supports social-ecological transformation groups.

Dr. Vandana Shiva

Environmental Activist

Dr. Vandana Shiva is an environmental activist, food sovereignty advocate, ecofeminist and author. Some call her the “Gandhi of grain” because of her international activism in the Anti-GMO-movement.

Markus Mauthe

Environmental and nature photographer

Markus Mauthe is an environmental and nature photographer, Greenpeace activist, lecturer, author and speaker. With his live speeches, he regularly inspires thousands of viewers to preserve the beauty of nature.

Anke Schmidt

Zero Waste Influencer

Anke Schmidt, also known as „wastelesshero“ is an influencer, speaker, author, blogger, course instructor. Together with her family she lives mostly packaging- and plastic-free as well as vegan.

Janine Steeger

moderator & author

Janine Steeger is a journalist, TV presenter, author, speaker and media trainer. With her project Futurewoman, she makes women in sustainability visible.

Melina Ophelia


Melina Ophelia is an influencer and content creator and shows on her Instagram and Youtube channels how she lives sustainability in everyday life.

Chloé Tesla

Animal rights activist

Chloé Tesla is a model, animal rights activist and content creator in France.

Yared Dibaba

Moderator & Autor

Moderator, singer, author, actor and entertainer Yared Dibaba is not only multi-talented and extremely likeable, he is also passionately committed to a more sustainable world.

Edwin Kraus


Edwin Kraus was one of the protagonists of our cinema documentary POWER TO CHANGE (2016). „Join us for Carl Fechner’s new film!“ the entrepreneur recommends – well, what are you waiting for?

Julia Buchebner und Stefan Stockinger

Die Zukunftsal­che­misten

Julia and Stefan from ‚die Zukunftsalchemisten‘ are already living THE STORY OF A NEW WORLD today – by bringing people into contact with their deeper impact power in seminars, retreats, lectures and in their book „Innen wachsen – außen wirken.“

Leslie Mandoki


The Hungarian-German drummer and music producer Leslie Mandoki has already worked for and with Genghis Khan, Engelbert, Joshua Kadison, Phil Collins and Lionel Richie.

Domitila Barros


Miss Germany 2022 Domitila Barros has been a speaker, motivational coach, consultant and greenfluencer for over 10 years.

Olivia Mandle

Animal rights and climate activist

Olivia is an animal rights and climate activist who developed the „Jelly Cleaner,“ a DIY ocean-cleaning tool made from recycled materials that anyone can create at home!

Christian Fenner

Social Entrepreneur

Christian Fenner is an industrial engineer, social entrepreneur and co-founder of „the nu company“. Christian and his team are looking for ways to make a healthy diet and a sustainable lifestyle accessible to as many people as possible.

Amber Westerborg

Impact Manager

As Impact Manager for The Student Hotel, Amber Westerborg is responsible for sustainability and the social impact strategy.

Vreni Jäckle und Nina Lorenzen

Fashion Changers

The two founders of „Fashion Changers“ campaign for a sustainable textile industry.

Victoria Neuhofe und Stephanie Sinko

Damn Plastic

Together with Stephanie Sinko, Victoria Neuhofer founded the start-up Damn Plastic, which campaigns for a plastic-free world.

Jens und Angela Hanson

SaveClimate.­Earth e.V.

Angela and Jens founded the climate protection initiative SaveClimate.Earth e.V., which campaigns for the introduction of an ecological basic income in the CO2 currency „ECO“.

Heiko Specking

Sustainability Consultant

As a sustainability consultant, Heiko Specking deals with issues of biodiversity, agriculture, as well as the role of philanthropy in structural change.

Peta Milan

Author & speaker

Peta Milan is the CEO and founder of JET Group,a filmmaker, keynote speaker, author and regenerative practitioner.

Ruth von Heusinger

ForTomorrow gGmbH

Ruth is a graduate physicist and founder of the non-profit organisation ForTomorrow.

Odin Mühlenbein

Ashoka Germany

Odin Mühlenbein is a partner at Ashoka Germany, a network for social entrepreneurs.

Jasmin Huber

WeDress Collective

Jasmin Huber is the founder of WeDress Collective, a great example of how we can apply the principle of sharing economy in our everyday lives.

Alfred Biebl und Claudia Stern

Sustainability pioneers

Alfred Biebl is a businessman in the field of alternative future technologies and his wife Claudia Stern is a designer and visionary. Their biodiversity project of the couple is not only much appreciated by the local insects and birds, it’s also a great example of ecosystem restoration!

Muskan Gupta


As a beVisioneers fellow, Muskan is working on a biodegradable film made from banana biomass waste to reduce plastic pollution and food waste.

Petra Rottmann

CSR expert

Petra Rottmann is the former head of the charity department at Deutsche Postcode Lotterie and an expert in communication and marketing. She has many years of experience with corporate social responsibility projects in strategic consulting for companies and organisations.

Helmy Abouleish

SEKEM & World Future Council

Helmy Abouleish is the Executive Director of the SEKEM Initiative in Egypt, Council Member of the World Future Council, President of Demeter International. He is politically engaged in responsible competitiveness, social entrepreneurship, food security and fighting climate change.

Rainer Doemen

Certified tax specialist

Rainer Doemen is a Financial Economist, specialized author in (tax) law and photovoltaics. He advocates for the „100% Renewable Energy by 2030“ initiative at the Round Table Renewable Energies (

Lino Zeddies

Reinventing Society

Lino Alexander Zeddies is the co-founder of „Reinventing Society“ and author. In his book „Utopia 2048“ he describes a world in which the great socio-ecological turnaround has succeeded.

Sushmita Sharma

Akasha Academy

Sushmita Sharma is leading an education program at Akasha Academy as well as doing her masters in Gender Studies. Her passion for gender equality and environmental protection led her to work in different social associations and projects.

Lorenzo Lonardi und Belinda Kraja

Research & Degrowth

Lorenzo and Belinda work for Research and Degrowth – an academic association dedicated to research, awareness-raising, and events organization around the topic of degrowth.

Our experts

The scientific backbone of the project

Our close collaboration with renowned international scientists and experts from various fields ensures that we address the most relevant topics. They not only give us advice on the content direction of the film but also contribute to the conception of the Impact Festivals. Their expertise and dedication enable us to reach a broad international audience and inspire people in their local communities to take sustainable action. This collaboration is the foundation of our project, giving it its strong voice.

Meet our experts

Prof. Dr. Stefan Bornemann


Dr. Edgar Göll

IZT Berlin

Prof. Dr. Christine Wamsler

Lund University

Otto Scharmer


Prof. Dr. Manfred Fischedick

Wuppertal Institute

Dr. Dina Barbian

Institute for Sustainability

Christoph Bals

Germanwatch e.V.

Dr. Katharina Reuter

BNW e.V.

Hans-Josef Fell

Energy Watch Group

Nora Sophie Griefahn

Cradle to Cradle NGO

Peta Milan

JET Group

Heiko Specking

specking+partners GmbH

Helmy Abouleish


Odin Mühlenbein

Ashoka Germany

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